How the toys industry makes your phone a child’s dream

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Most adults now own a smartphone of some description, as the technology that makes smartphones becomes more common, you will find that your service provider will start to offer smartphones and iPhones as standard, and the prices for these phones is more than manageable. Smartphones are great for busy adults as they allow you to check your email, browse the web and even do your social networking all from your phone, meaning you are always connected and can always get things done on the go.

The toy industry has started to capitalise on this and started to create games and toys which tie in with the iPhone and smartphones, to give kids access to the phones as well, and meaning parents always have an on-the-go gamestation which can be used to keep kids amused on long journeys or on rainy days. Of course, you would never give a small child a smartphone of their own, but being allowed to use yours can give them a glimpse of what it is like to be an adult, and give them a new and exciting way to play.

Where adult games and apps tend to involve quite fiddly gameplay, a lot of the games and apps designed for very young children use the phone itself as the way to play the game. You can find games which turn the entire iPhone or iPad screen as a board or playing area, and kids need only move the phone around to reach their goal. For smaller children this means an end to the frustration that comes with having less evolved hand eye coordination, and an easy way to use these complicated pieces of equipment. The games are easy enough to play that small children won’t get frustrated, but developed enough that they provide something of a challenge for older children and adults, so that they are still fun ways to waste time during quiet moments.

One of the best games for the iPhone is Birthday Party Playtime, which is an offshoot of the very popular Toca Tea Party. Birthday Party Playtime allows kids to arrange and live out their own birthday party anytime and anywhere. With cute graphics which will appeal to the youngest children, kids can do everything from cake to party games all during the game, to keep them having fun and exploring different options. The best thing about it is that it can be played by more than one child at once, so young siblings can join in, or your child can play with their friends.

There could be nothing better on a rainy day than having a toy which can keep kids amused in a variety of ways, and if that item is your phone you’ll know it is always with you ao you need never worry about bored and miserable children again!

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